Christmas Cheer!

Each year Love INC supports families in need by coordinating our Christmas Assistance program. Thanks to our many partners and donors, we were able to assist twice as many families this year as last year! This year the partners who sponsored families included; Crossroad Church, Justin Gillette, Griffins Higgins Real-estate, First State Chevrolet, Kiwanis Club, Trinity Logistics, Seaford Presbyterian, Ronda Banning, Chick-fil-A, and many other individuals. A huge shout out goes to Chick-fil-A Seaford for collecting and organizing gifts for over 250 children.

On Sunday Chick-fil-A distributed toys to the parents of these children. Along with the toys, ice cream, courtesy of The Frozen Farmer, was handed out and Santa visited!

Thank you for all of your hard work!


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